File No. 839.00/1967


Since my arrival I have been impressed with manner in which the people have accepted the new order of things. Disappointed petty politicians are the only people dissatisfied. I am convinced that the present military government or a de facto government with an American governor supported by the military should go right ahead for a year at least working out complete reforms necessary with the voluntary aid of patriotic Dominicans. At the end of this time if it has been shown that the country is in a position to have de facto government presided over by a junta of the best native element then this could be done and after a period of trial for this junta the country should be ready for elections, then proceed with elections for president. There is nothing to fear from this program above outlined, for it is what the country needs and expects. To proceed with any elections now would be disastrous as the country is not ready for this and wall never be ready until some form of registration is inaugurated and an intelligent electoral law is in operation. Censorship of the press has produced excellent effect and should be continued for a while at least.
