File No. 839.00/1843
Admiral Caperton to
the Secretary of the Navy
U. S. S. “Dolphin,”
Santo Domingo,
May 13, 1916.
At 10 a.m., May 13, I called upon the United States Minister at the
Legation, and after discussing the situation with him, arranged to see,
at the Haitian Legation in Santo Domingo City, General Arias and some of
the other rebel leaders. There were present at this conference, in
addition to the Minister and myself, Commander W. S. Crosley,
Lieutenant-Commander William D. Leahy, my Chief of Staff, Mr. Johnson,
Secretary of the Legation, General Desiderio Arias, General Mauricio
Jiménez, Commandant of the fortress, and Mr. Cesáreo Jiménez. After an
extended discussion undertaken with the object of finding an amicable
method of supporting the constituted government, I delivered at 11.50
a.m., to General Arias, a written communication signed by the United
States Minister and myself, (Inclosure D) which informed him that, if
the rebel forces now in the city of Santo Domingo do not disarm and turn
over their arms and ammunition to the United States forces by 6 a.m.
Monday, May 15, 1916, it is my intention to occupy the city and forcibly
disarm the rebels therein. I informed General Arias that my purpose in
doing this was only to insure the peaceful performance of the work of
the constituted government without fear of armed coercion, and that I
would regret very much the necessity for the use of force.
May 14, 1916.
At 9.20 a.m., I received a radio request from the United States Minister
to come ashore and see him, as important developments had occurred
during the night. I immediately went ashore, landing through the surf,
and was informed by the American Minister that General Arias, with other
leaders of the rebel forces, had abandoned Santo Domingo City before
daylight today, taking with him the rebel soldiers and a number of
released convicts from the prison, with small arms and as much
ammunition as they could carry.
[Inclosure D]
Minister Russell and Admiral
Caperton to General Arias,
General Mauricio Jiménez and General Cesádreo
Gentlemen: In view of the fact that the
armed forces in rebellion against the present constituted authority
of the Government of the Dominican Republic are occupying all the
military positions of the city of Santo Domingo and are forcibly
preventing the constitutional executive representatives of the
Dominican Republic from entering the city in safety to take charge
of their respective portfolios; and in view of the fact that all
efforts to bring about a pacific agreement with those in control of
the military power of the city have failed; and in view of the
publicly announced policy of the United States of America to
support, by force if necessary, the present constituted authority of
the Republic;
Therefore, we, the undersigned hereby call upon you to disarm the
military force at present in the City of Santo Domingo, to evacuate
all fortified positions within the city, and to turn over to the
custody of the forces of the United States of America all arms and
ammunition now in the city; and we
[Page 227]
hold each and all of yon responsible for the
consequences that may result from a refusal to comply with the terms
of this communication.
The demands herein made must be complied with at or before the hour
of 6 a.m., May 14, 1916, and must be indicated by the hoisting of
white flags on the tower of the fortress and of the municipal
building and at other fortified places within the city in such a way
as to be plainly visible from the sea and from commanding positions
outside the city wall; and we hereby formally demand that in case a
disarmament is not made, as above specified, you notify all the
civilian population, native and foreign, to leave the city within 24
hours after the day and hour above specified, that is 6 a.m. May 14,
1916, at which time, to wit 6 a.m. May 15, 1916, force will be used
to disarm the rebel forces in the city of Santo Domingo and to
support the constituted government.
Noncombatants leaving the city by water transportation must keep out
of the line of fire of the American warships.
Noncombatants must leave the city via Avenida Bolívar (Santa Ana
Road) to or beyond the point where it meets the Carretera del
A copy of this communication has been delivered to the
representatives of foreign nations and to the President of the City
Council (Ayuntamiento).
William W. Russell
American Minister
W. B. Caperton
Rear Admiral,
United states Navy