File No. 810.51/517
The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Gonzales 4
Washington, March 14, 1916.
Sir: The United States Section of the International High Commission sailed on March 8 on board the U. S. S. Tennessee for Buenos Aires to attend the Conference which will convene in that capital on April 3. As you will see from the appended list of the members of the party the Secretary of the Treasury is accompanying the delegation as Chairman.
At the conclusion of the International High Commission at Buenos Aires the American Section will make its return voyage to the United States up the west coast of South America, and plans to stop at Habana about May 4 for a visit of one day.
[Page 23]You will inform the Government of Cuba of the proposed visit to that country of the American Section of the International High Commission, and do what you properly can to facilitate the landing of the party and to make their visit a successful and pleasant one.
I am [etc.]
- Similar instructions to the American Ministers at Panama, Quito, and Lima.↩