File No. 819.1052/63
Chargé Spencer to the Secretary of State
Panama, January 22, 1916.
Sir: With reference to the subject of the carrying of high power rifles as a regular equipment by the Panaman police, as discussed in my despatch No. 773 of January 14 last, I have the honor to herewith enclose a copy of a letter under date of January 20 last, received this morning from Governor Goethals, in which he informs me that in response to a recent fire alarm, members of the Panaman police force appeared on the scene with high-power rifles and ammunition belts, and that Commander Estripeaut, the Chief of Police was present and in charge of this squad.
Governor Goethals writes that this information is furnished to me in order that I may report the same to the State Department, in connection with the Department’s recent inquiry concerning the statement contained in Senor Lefevre’s letter to the American Minister, to the effect that peremptory orders had been given prohibiting the Panaman police to respond to fire and riot calls armed in this manner.
I have [etc.]