File No. 319.1123L25/42

Minister Price to the Secretary of State

No. 922

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 907 of April 24 last, relating to the investigation of the Colon riot of April 2, 1915, I have the honor to enclose a copy of another note to the Panaman Foreign Office. I delivered same personally on yesterday and attempted again to impress upon Secretary Lefevre the importance of his authorities complying more energetically and earnestly with the expectations of our Government herein.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price

Minister Price to the Minister for Foreign Affairs

F. O. No. 301

Excellency: Referring to the investigation of the Colon riot of April 2nd, 1915, and to the fact that notwithstanding more than a year had elapsed before American soldier witnesses were given an opportunity by your excellency’s authorities in charge of said investigation to examine and identify generally Panaman policemen, who may have been involved to a guilty extent in said riot, I have the honor to inform your excellency that the military authorities of the Canal Zone have advised me that certain identifications have been made and it seems at the least that most helpful evidence has been produced in the aid of a thorough investigation and placing of guilt by your excellency’s authorities.

With the sole responsibility upon Panama for the earnest conduct of investigation and prosecution herein and the jurisdiction thereof being necessarily within the Republic of Panama and in view of the large interest of my Government in this affair, it would be appreciated if your excellency would be good enough to let us know what further steps, if any, have been or are contemplated being taken by authorities of your excellency’s Government since the testimony recently given by our soldier witnesses; when a report upon said investigation may be expected from Governor J. M. Fernandez, having same in charge; to what Judge his report thereof will be transmitted and whether it may be agreeable to let us have a copy of same at the time of its being rendered. Brigadier General C. R. Edwards, Military Commander of the Canal Zone, has particularly requested the favor of having a copy of this report as soon as it may be made out.

I avail myself [etc.]

[Not signed.]