File No. 817.51/821
The Secretary of State to Minister Jefferson
Washington, November 13, 1916, 4 p.m.
Department’s September 1, 4 p.m. Cuadra, financial agent Nicaragua, under date October 30, transmitted copies contracts concluded October 26 by him on behalf Nicaraguan Government with Brown Brothers and Seligman and National Bank, extending loans until December 31, and providing that loans and interest shall be paid out of moneys which Nicaragua will receive under the treaty.
You will bring this matter strongly to the attention of the Government of Nicaragua in the same terms as set forth in the last paragraph of the Department’s telegram of September 1, 4 p.m. and emphasize the fact that the Government of the United States has not received from the Government of Nicaragua a statement regarding [Page 913] its action respecting the contract signed July 31, 1916, and therefore must request an immediate explanation of its action in regard to those contracts and also as to the contracts of October 26.