File No. 817.812/195

The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador

No. 1160

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your excellency’s note of the 12th ultimo., referring to a former note of the 28th of October last, both relating to the matter of certain British claims which, it is stated, were recognized in a formal agreement concluded in 1912 by His Majesty’s Government and the Nicaraguan Government, as also to other claims for goods or monies supplied by British subjects to the Nicaraguan Government which were not provided for in the above agreement.

It is further stated that a list of these claims is in course of preparation and will be communicated to this Department for inclusion in the settlement.

I take pleasure in informing you that this Department awaits the receipt of the above-mentioned list which, with other claims of this and other countries against the Nicaraguan Government, will receive due consideration in the disposition of the amount stipulated in the Treaty between the Republic of Nicaragua and the United States, when exchange of ratifications of the Treaty shall have been effected.

I have [etc.]

Robert Lansing