File No. 817.812/192
The Secretary of State to the Minister of Nicaragua
Washington, April 17, 1916.
Sir: I have been gratified to receive your note of the 13th instant, by which you were so good as to inform me that the Convention concluded between the United States and Nicaragua on August 5, 1914, and approved by the Senate of the United States by its Resolution of February 18, 1916, had received the final approval of the Congress of Nicaragua.
By the telegram addressed to you by the Minister of Foreign Relations on the 14th instant, the contents of which you have made [Page 835] known to the Department, it appears that the approval of the Convention by the Congress of Nicaragua includes also the approval of the amendments of the convention made by the Senate of the United States in its Resolution above mentioned.
As the convention provides for the exchange of ratifications at Washington, I shall be happy, upon being advised of the receipt by you of the instrument of ratification of the convention by the President of Nicaragua, to fix a time convenient to you for effecting the exchange.
Accept [etc.]