File No. 893.001L76/1
Minister Reinsch to the Secretary of State
Peking, December 8, 1916.
Sir: I have the honor to report that, having received your instruction No. 517 of October 25, enclosing a letter from the President of the United States to the President of China, I asked for a special appointment and presented the President’s letter to His Excellency Li Yuan-hung today.
President Li expressed his high gratification at receiving the President’s communication, the sentiments of which he fully reciprocated. * * *
President Li also expressed his highest appreciation of the personal attention which President Wilson has given to Chinese affairs during the last four years, and especially the fact that whenever agreements concerning China had been made, the American Government had taken steps to safeguard the rights of China and the principle of equal opportunity. In conclusion, he admitted that he realized that America could help China best in a measure as China helped herself through introducing efficiency into her administration.
I have [etc.]