File No. 812.512/1017

Mr. Parker, representing American interests, to the Secretary of State

No. 273

Sir: For the information of the Department, I have the honor to transmit herewith a translation of a circular, which has force of law, promulgated by the Subsecretary of Finance of the de facto Government of Mexico with reference to the payment of mining taxes.

I have [etc.]

Charles B. Parker
[Page 709]

Department of Finance

In order to regulate the collection of the mining tax, this office hereby grants a term of one month, from the first of January next, to pay all taxes in arrears, it being understood that after the expiration of such time, the titles to all mining property on which the taxes have not been paid, will be forfeited, in accordance with Article No. 6 of the Law of June 6, 1892.

And I communicate the above to you for your information and effects.

The Assistant Secretary of Finance,