File No. 893.00/2543
Consul Peck to the Secretary of State
Tsingtau, September 26, 1916.
Sir: I have the honor to state that according to local reports the so-called revolutionist troops at Weihsien and Choutsun have arrived at some sort of an understanding with the Central Government and have submitted to it. This despatch has been delayed some days in the effort to learn the details of the agreement, but even persons who have been to those cities have been able to do little but confirm the report of the surrender. A gradual disbanding is going on and part of the forces will be incorporated with the Chinese Army.
It is reported that many of the brigands and other recruits from Manchuria are being returned thither. The volunteer constabulary organized around Weihsien to protect the residents from the revolutionary troops are also being disbanded and more peaceful conditions are being established.
A copy of this despatch has been sent to the Legation at Peking and to the Consulate at Chefoo.
I have [etc.]