
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy

Sir: The State Department is contemplating the following arrangements for the removal of such refugees as are now waiting in Mexican ports on the east coast, and before putting them into effect, desires to know if they meet with the approval of the Navy Department, and work in harmony with such arrangements as the Navy Department is making for the protection of all citizens on that coast.

Progreso: Arrangements have been made for the removal of all refugees from Progreso by merchant vessels, including the two hundred Porto Rican refugees. The State Department will not require accommodation for any more refugees from Progreso, except for such stragglers as may come in subsequent to this date.
Frontera: The same arrangements by merchant transportation have been made from Frontera, and there will be no refugees waiting to be taken off, except such as arrive subsequent to this date.
Vera Cruz: It is proposed to take off such of the refugees as are now on the U. S. S. Nebraska, and put them on the Ward liner arriving at Vera Cruz Sunday night. The Ward liner will be loaded to her capacity, and the refugees will be taken directly to a northern port. Refugees arriving subsequent to the departure of the Ward liner, or those unable to obtain accommodations on that boat, will be taken aboard the Army transport which will arrive there on Wednesday or Thursday. The transport will then proceed to Tampico, where it is expected she will be able to take all those waiting at Tampico, and proceed north. In order to provide for possible contingencies, pending the arrival of the Army transport at Tampico, the Department would appreciate it if it were possible for the Navy to have one of its ships of sufficient capacity to accommodate a thousand people at Tampico not later than Tuesday, if possible, and to remain there for emergencies until after the Army transport has taken off the refugees. The State Department desires to know if this can be arranged by the Department.

This program takes care of all the refugees now known to be waiting transportation to the United States, and such others as may arrive at the ports of Tampico and Vera Cruz up to the last of the week. There will possibly be stragglers at various ports, or emergency situations arising requiring immediate relief, which cannot now be foreseen. The State Department would appreciate it if the Navy Department would assume entire charge of removing these refugees as occasion arises, as the commanding officer on the ground will be in a position to act with greater quickness if he is left in charge of the situation with the responsibility of looking after these matters.

The State Department will endeavor to keep the Navy Department fully informed of the situation with regards to refugees, as advised by its Consuls.

I have [etc.]

Robert Lansing