File No. 611.419/132
The British Ambassador (Spring
Rice) to the Secretary of State
No. 12]
January 8, 1915.
[Received January 9.]
Sir: With reference to conversations which
have taken place between us relative to the removal of the British
embargo on British rubber, I have the honour to enclose herewith
paraphrase of a telegram which I have received from Sir Edward Grey, His Majesty’s
Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in which he informs me
that arrangements have been practically completed whereby dealers and
manufacturers in the United States can obtain supplies of rubber from
the British Empire. The telegram gives details as to what these
arrangements are. I have lost no time in telegraphing to the
representatives of the rubber interests now in New York and I have also
distributed copies to the press.
I have [etc.]
The British Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs (Grey) to the
British Ambassador (Spring Rice)
Arrangements have been practically completed whereby dealers and
manufacturers in United States can obtain supplies of rubber from
British Empire.
Manufacturers wishing to obtain large shipments will be required to
give a bond through their agent in London.
[Page 662]
In other cases shipments will be allowed to approved manufacturers
and dealers who signify their willingness to sign appropriate
guarantee. Shipments will be addressed to a bank in New York which
will not deliver rubber until purchaser has signed and deposited
guarantee with His Majesty’s Consul General at New York and he
sanctions delivery.
Manufacturers’ guarantee will be an undertaking not to export any raw
waste or reclaimed rubber except to United Kingdom or British
possessions; not to sell rubber now delivered but to use it in own
factory; to execute orders for manufactured goods from neutral
European countries from stocks in United Kingdom; not to sell
manufactured goods to any person in United States without
ascertaining whether he has no intention to export same to Europe
except through United Kingdom; to give notice to His Majesty’s
Consul General of shipment to non-European countries and to put a
distinctive mark on all manufactured goods exported or sold for
Dealers’ form will be shorter. Shipment to manufacturers who have
given a bond will be allowed direct.