Proclamations, orders, and decrees of belligerent governments affecting the trade of neutral states–Attitude of the United States and other neutral governments
- The German declaration of a naval war zone (February 4, 1915):
Position taken by the United States—Negotiations relative to the
admission of food supplies into Germany—Use of neutral flags by
belligerent merchant vessels (Documents 123–162)
- Proposals of the United States for an agreement between the
belligerents restricting the use of mines, submarines, and neutral flags
and for the admission of foodstuffs into Germany (February 20,
1915) (Documents 163–177)
- The British and French declaration prohibiting all trade with Germany
(March 1, 1915)—Orders and decrees for its enforcement—Protests of the
United States—Proclamations concerning contraband of war-Replies to the
proposals and protests of the United States (Documents 178–215)
- Blockades in the Mediterranean area—The British argument for the blockade of
Germany—Further extensions of contraband lists (Documents 216–229)
- The annulment by Great Britain and France of Article 57 of the
Declaration of London (Documents 230–233)