File No. 763.72112/1549
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 9, 8 a. m.]
2769. Foreign office to-day sends me printed form now being sent to all persons desiring to export goods of Belgian origin from Holland. Form is as follows:
The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs presents his compliments to Messrs. . . . and in reply to their letter of the. . . . relative to the exportation from Belgium to. . . . . . of. . . . . . is directed by Secretary Sir E. Grey to state that His Majesty’s consular officer at the port of shipment will be instructed to issue the necessary permit as soon as Messrs..... have produced to the satisfaction of thee Foreign Office—
- 1.
- A declaration or certificate from the competent Belgian local or municipal authority that the goods in question are of Belgian origin or manufacture; and
- 2.
- A written guarantee from a bank in this country that the purchase money for the goods has been deposited with them, and will not be withdrawn without the special authorization of His Majesty’s Government, during the continuance of the occupation of Belgium by the enemy; or alternatively clear evidence that the purchase money was remitted to Belgium before the 31st July, 1915, such as an affidavit of the bank in a neutral country through which the money was remitted.
Please request persons approaching Embassy in cases of this description to furnish documents set forth above.