File No. 300.115/5503

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


2975. Your 2236, 7th. Foreign Office informs me that British Consul General at Rotterdam is being authorized to issue on application [Page 257] permit for shipment of 2,500 ampoules of neosalvarsan and 13,450 tubes of novocaine suprarenin valued at 20,854 marks, 50 pfennigs. Foreign Office states that regarding neosalvarsan British Government are informed by French Government that Poulenc and Company, 92 rue Vieille-du-Temple, Paris, can supply neosalvarsan in the form of neoarseno benzol (which is identical with neosalvarsan). It is further stated that British Government regret they can give in consequence no undertaking regarding future consignment of this article.

American Ambassador