File No. 300.115/14897
The Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy (Crawford) to the Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Fleming)
Dear Mr. Fleming : I am pleased to be able to acquaint you that the British Government are prepared to issue permits for shipment to the United States of books, in the German or other enemy language, of a philosophical, scientific, technical, or educational character, if specifically destined for universities, colleges, or public bodies.
We should require that on each application for such permits the good faith of the application and the particular institution concerned should be vouched for by some official authority. I should be glad if you could suggest some such official body which would be prepared to accept that responsibility and if, on forwarding any applications of this character, you would at the same time transmit a notification from that body that they are satisfied that the application is made in good faith.
Yours very truly,