File No. 701.6311/173b

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Austria-Hungary (Penfield)


917. Telegram in cipher from Austro-Hungarian Foreign Office delivered to Doctor Dumba September 25. Not hearing from him, I telegraphed him September 27 as follows:

Regarding certificate of safe-conduct for Madame Dumba and maid, Department is informed by British Embassy that “His Majesty’s Government will act in conformity with usages of international law, and does not regard women as combatants.” American Ambassador at Vienna reports Austro-Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs informed him that cipher cable forwarded to you September 25 by this Department directed you to proceed to Vienna and that your recall from Washington was final. Minister requested this Government to secure necessary safe-conduct. I shall be glad to comply with this request as soon as I am advised that you are prepared to leave in accordance with these instructions.

I talked to Doctor Dumba on telephone yesterday and understood him to say he was instructed by his Government to wait. To-day following telegram was received from him:

In reply to your telegram of to-day I have the honor to advise you that I am prepared to leave in accordance with the instructions received from my Government. I should be thankful to you if you could kindly secure safe-conduct for myself and valet, as communicated to Mr. Phillips, and my personal effects, in time for sailing on Nieuw Amsterdam October 5.

Have applied to British and French Governments for safe-conduct and replied to Doctor Dumba as follows:

Having been informed through American Ambassador at Vienna that you had been recalled from Washington by your Government, and in view of your telegram of September 27, stating that you are prepared to leave in accordance with instructions received from your Government, I beg to inform you that the Department has to-day requested of the British and French Embassies safe-conducts for yourself and your valet to sail on the Nieuw Amsterdam, October 5.
