File No. 125.1873/92

The Ambassador in Austria-Hungary (Penfield) to the Secretary of State


1017. Your 997, November 23, 3 p. m. Austro-Hungarian Government consents to Vice Consul Young’s return to Belgrade under the following conditions:

Only Americans or Austro-Hungarians to be employed in office;
No observations or reports of military character to be made;
Both private and official correspondence subject to censorship;
No journeys in occupied territory to be undertaken, journeys into Austria-Hungary to be notified in advance to military authorities.

[Page 923]

Furthermore, Ministry of Foreign Affairs states verbally Servians being under military jurisdiction, Vice Consul cannot exercise good offices on their behalf.

Young states that under present conditions practically no American interests to be cared for at Belgrade; British, French, and Italian interests negligible.

In view of the foregoing should Department consider Vice Consul’s definite return to Belgrade useless but desire to preserve technical continuity of that office, I venture to suggest that he return to his post for fortnight to arrange matters, seal archives, leave office in charge of messenger who is non-mobilizable Austro-Hungarian subject, and come away on leave of absence which might be indefinitely prolonged, in which event, urge that Young be detailed to assist in the work of this Embassy.
