File No. 763.72111/2170
The Secretary of State to the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador (Dumba)
My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to previous correspondence concerning your complaint that the activities of Prof. M. I. Pupin, of New York City, in issuing appeals to Montenegrin reservists In the United States to proceed to Europe for military service, are in violation of the neutrality laws of the United States,3 I beg to advise you of the receipt of a letter on the subject, dated the 13th instant, from the Attorney General, stating that up to that time no evidence had been obtained which, in the opinion of the Department of Justice, would warrant prosecution for violation of any of the sections of the Federal Penal Code relating to neutrality.
It is added, however, that the Department of Justice will continue its investigations, and that it will prosecute any violations of such laws wherever it may be able to obtain evidence of such violation.
I am [etc.]