File No. 812.00/2782a.
The Secretary of State to the American Ambassador.
Washington, February 12, 1912.
The following instruction has to-day been sent to all consular officers in Mexico:
Through the local press and otherwise, and as under instructions to do so, you are authorized officially to deny all foolish stories of intervention. Nothing could be further from the intention of the Government of the United States, which has the sincerest friendship for Mexico and the Mexican people, to whom it hopes will soon return the blessings of peace. This Government is not concerned with Mexico’s internal political affairs, and demands nothing but the respect and protection of American life and property in Mexico. You will use the language of this instruction.
You will observe the strictest impartiality and in nowise interfere between contending forces, counseling Americans in your district to act likewise. You will, however, make it entirely clear to the local authorities and all factions that American citizens and their property must be protected.
Inform the American Consulate General, Mexico City.