File No. 882.51/439.

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Ambassador to Great Britain.

No. 1764]

Sir: I transmit herewith for the information of your Embassy copy of a note which has been received from the French Chargé d’Affaires at Washington, asking that this Government grant to the Government of France such facilities favorable to that country as may be required for a rectification of the Franco-Liberian boundary. I also enclose copy of a note which has been received from the German Chargé d’Affaires in this city, asking this Government’s good offices in approving the plans of the Imperial German Government that the Vice Consul at Monrovia retain that position as well as the position of German Receiver should the receivership go into active operation before a new German consular officer is appointed. The Department’s attitude on these two questions is fully set forth in the replies which have been sent to Mr. de Peretti and Mi. Haniel, copies of which will also be found as enclosures.

[Page 691]

It is expected that the receivership of customs will go into active operation at a very early date and the Department would be glad if you would, at an opportune time, express to the British Government this Government’s deep appreciation of the hearty cooperation of Great Britain throughout the loan negotiations and the earnest hope that this cordial support will continue.

I am [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.