File No. 893.00/1202.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador of Russia.

No. 16.]

Excellency: In acknowledging the receipt of the note of March 8, in which your excellency courteously informed me of the assent of the Imperial Russian Government to the recent proposals of the Government of Japan relating to an agreement of the powers as to the recognition of the new Government of China, I have the honor to state that, as your excellency has already informally been advised, [Page 76] the Government of the United States likewise expressed its agreement in principle to the policy of concerted action in the recognition of the Republic of China in accordance with the accepted principles of international law, so long as no undue delay was entailed thereby, and stated that the American Government would be glad to make more definite reply to the other questions raised when informed more explicitly as to the nature and terms of the proposed guaranties. The view was expressed that the established obligations of China held irrespective of the form of government and passed automatically in turn to the de facto Provisional Government and to such ultimate government as might merit formal recognition.

I take note of the statement in your excellency’s communication that in approving the idea of joint action by the powers in the defense of their general interests in China, the Imperial Russian Government reserves, in respect of Russia’s particular rights and interests based on treaties and conventions, the right to take such protective measures as necessity may demand.

Accept [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.