File No. 882.51/303B.

The Acting Secretary of State to Messrs. Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

Gentlemen: In confirmation of the Department’s telegram to you of this date,1 I will say that a letter1 has been received from Dr. Roland P. Falkner, Financial Representative of Liberia, inclosing copies of the revises of the several Liberian loan agreements, dated February 23, 1912. Dr. Falkner also incloses copy of his letter to you1 confirming the last amendments to the contracts.

The Department has examined the agreements as now amended in accordance with suggestions made by you and by Dr. Falkner. In their present form they appear to be satisfactory to the Department. We shall depend upon you to communicate them to the Governments concerned through the other bankers, and also to send us copies to give, as a matter of courtesy, to the French, German and British Embassies here.

It is hoped that it may be your pleasure to have Dr. Falkner come to New York City at an early date in order that the agreements may be signed.

I am [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.