File No. 765.67/410.
The Secretary of State to the American Ambassador.
Washington, December 5, 1912.
Sir: The Department has received the despatch (No. 247, of October 30th)1 in which you report a conversation with the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs on the subject of the recognition of Italian sovereignty over Libya.
There are enclosed herewith for your information in this connection copies of a note from the Italian Chargé d’Affaires under date of October 18th, requesting this Government to recognize the sovereignty of Italy over Tripoli and Cyrenaica; of the Department’s acknowledgement of this note under date of October 21st; and of a memorandum1 of a conversation on this subject between Mr. Adee and the Italian Chargé d’Affaires on October 19th.
The Department will in the near future instruct you further as to the attitude to be adopted on the question of the relinquishment of its extraterritorial rights in Tripoli and Cyrenaica in consequence of the extension of Italian sovereignty to those regions.
Copies of the present instruction and of its enclosures are being transmitted to the American Embassy at Constantinople and to the Consulate at Tripoli for their information.
I am [etc.]