File No. 893.00/1105.
The Department of State to the Japanese Embassy.
With reference to the memorandum handed to the Acting Secretary of State on February 23 by the Ambassador of Japan, the Government of the United States welcomes this fresh affirmation by the Imperial Japanese Government of the policy of concerted action and agrees in principle to its application to the recognition of the Republic of China as far as this course will entail no delay. The Government of the United States will be glad to reply more definitely in regard to the other questions raised when more explicitly informed as to the nature and terms of the guaranties proposed. It may be said in the meantime that this Government regards the established obligations of China as holding irrespective of the form of government and as passing automatically to the de facto provisional government with which the United States will informally deal, and thence to such ultimate government as may merit formal recognition.
Washington , February 27, 1912.