File No. 422.11 G93/452.]

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires .


Messrs. Norton and Farr, officials of the railroad, in conference at the Department today, emphasize critical financial situation of the company which imperatively demands immediate relief.

A coal ship, it appears, has been ordered for the 25th instant, and unless 100,000 sucres are forthcoming within a week the order must be canceled and railroad operations suspended as soon as present Ecuador supply of coal is exhausted.

Since the Government of Ecuador is directly responsible for the railroad’s present financial crisis, having failed to meet its just financial obligations to the railway, and as the railway has no other source of financial relief, you will immediately bring the foregoing to the attention of the competent officials of the Government of Ecuador, and say that you have been instructed to request a statement without delay as to what immediate action that Government is prepared to take.
