File No. 738.3915/126.]
[Memorandum of the fourth meeting.]
Pursuant to agreement, the plenipotentiaries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic met at the Department of State on July 1, 1912, at 11:00 a.m. The Dominican Minister thereupon stated that he had received a draft protocol prepared by the Minister of Haiti shortly after the last meeting, and having read it had certain observations which he desired to make regarding it. These he submitted in writing, in Spanish, saying that it would not be possible for him to express himself in English or French with sufficient accuracy with regard thereto.
Mr. Peynado thereupon submitted a draft protocol in Spanish, which he proposed should be agreed to.
The plenipotentiaries thereupon determined that, as it would take some time for the Haitian Minister to study the Dominican Minister’s draft, adjournment should be taken until 11:30 o’clock Saturday, July 6th.