File No. 811.5124/9.]
The Department of State to the Danish Legation.
Referring to the memorandum of the Legation of Denmark, dated April 17, 1912, the Department of State has the honor to advise the Legation of the receipt of a letter of the 26th ultimo1 from the Department of Justice stating that, in compliance with the request of the Department of State, instructions had been issued to the United States Attorney at Sioux City, Iowa, to endeavor to obtain the reimbursement of Karoline Krag, a resident of Denmark, of $355.53, in connection with the settlement of the estate of Metta K. Peterson, which seems to be the amount levied in excess of the rate of taxation contemplated by the Treaty of April 26, 1826, between the United States and Denmark.
Washington , May 15, 1912.
- Not printed.↩