File No. 837.6112/18.

The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

No. 159.]

Sir: The Department has received your Legation’s despatches No. 434 of the 20th ultimo, No. 450 of the 1st, and No. 462 of the 8th2 instant, concerning the Zapata Swamp concession.

After receiving letters from Mr. Isaac K. Champion, claiming to represent the concessionary company, and holding a conference with him, the Department has instructed the American Consul General at Habana to make a further investigation of the matter and to [Page 320] report the result thereof to the Department. He has been directed to confer with you on the subject. You will afford him all necessary assistance and cooperation.

I am [etc.]

P. C. Knox.
  1. Not printed; it merely transmitted a pamphlet defending the reclamation project, distributed by the concessionnaire.