File No. 033.1100 K77/213.

The President of Costa Rica to the President.


Great and Good Friend: The People and Government of Costa Rica have been honored by the official visit of that distinguished diplomat the Honorable Philander C. Knox, your Secretary of State, who during his brief stay in this country made evident the great and noble endeavor of the American Government in behalf of the progress and welfare of the Republics of this continent on the basis of fraternal [Page 235] union for their common destiny, with no other limits than those of their own sovereignty and independence. I have therefore found it appropriate, in view of so excellent a motive, to accredit as Special Envoy to Your Excellency don Joaquin Bernardo Calvo, the distinguished gentleman who is now the Minister Plenipotentiary of Costa Rica at Washington, with the charge to present to Your Excellency my fervent wishes for the happy outcome of that generous labor for American fraternity and for the growing prosperity of the Great Republic, admirable not only for its wonderful progress but even more for its wise institutions. In this sense I beg Your Excellency to receive unreservedly what Mr. Calvo will say to you, especially when he renews the expression of my lively desire for the personal happiness of Your Excellency.

I am, great and good friend, with high esteem,

Ricardo Jiménez.

The President’s Mansion,