File No. 701.1611/28.

Reply of the President.

Mr. Minister: In sending the Secretary of State on a visit to the countries of Central America I was animated entirely by a desire to show to those countries the friendliness and good will of the United States toward them. It is especially gratifying to me that the Government of Salvador’s appreciation of this friendly purpose has been such as to induce it to make acknowledgment thereof by a Special Mission.

Secretary Knox did not fail upon his return to make me acquainted with the cordial welcome and generous hospitality extended to him by the President, the officials and the people of Salvador. We are deeply impressed with the honor done him and our thanks are due to one and all for the warmth of the reception accorded to him. It is my hope that Mr. Knox’s visit will do much toward a closer union and a better understanding between the two Governments and peoples. I shall at an early day make due acknowledgment of President Araujo’s letter, but I ask you to be so good as to make known, in the meantime, to the Government and people of Salvador our profound appreciation of their courteous treatment of Secretary Knox, evidencing, as I doubt not it does, not only a recognition of his personal merits, but a desire as well for that fraternity of relations which it is your wish and mine to promote.

I thank you for your good wishes.