File No. 823.124/3.
The American Consul at Para, Brazil, to the Secretary of State.
Pará, March 29, 1912.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit copy of an official communication1 received from the President of the Commercial Association of Iquitos, Peru, advising that the Peruvian Government has authorized the issue of a loan for 200,000 pounds, Peruvian, the proceeds of which loan is to be employed in providing the city of Iquitos with a new and more modern system of sewerage. The city of Iquitos is estimated to have at the present time a population of about 7,000 persons and it is situated at the head of the Amazon River traffic, being some 2, 100 miles from Pará, Brazil. It occupies a very important traffic position, being the base of supplies for an immense surrounding territory, the inhabitants of which depend upon outside sources for a very large portion of their supplies. The accompanying statements1 will give a fair idea of the income of the central Government and movement of shipping at this port. Unfortunately my correspondent failed to give the name of the department of the supreme Government in Lima to which intending bidders should apply for more detailed and particular information, but I have no doubt that a communication to the consul at that place will secure what is wanted. I also note that he is not clear as to whether this loan is to be given out by the Peruvian Government or the authorities of the city of Iquitos.
I have [etc.]