File No. 834.001 Sch 1/1.
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to the Secretary of
No. 450.]
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
August 17, 1912.
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to enclose,
with the customary copy, the autograph letter from His Excellency the
President of the Republic, Don Eduardo Schaerer, to His Excellency the
President of the United States of North America, informing him of his
I beg you to be good enough to have the letter reach its high
destination, and
I am [etc.]
The President of
Paraguay to the President.
To His Excellency the President of the Republic of
the United States of North America, General William Howard
Great and Good Friend: I have the honor to
inform Your Excellency that, called by the free vote of my fellow
citizens, I have this day assumed the Chief Magistracy of the
Republic, before the Honorable Congress of the Nation, thus
inaugurating the constitutional term of my Government.
In so informing Your Excellency I take pleasure in adding that one of
the principal solicitudes of my Government will be to maintain and,
if possible, draw closer, the cordial relations that happily unite
the Republic of Paraguay to the Nation whose affairs are directed by
Your Excellency.
I am glad to take this occasion to express to you my sincere desire
for the prosperity of the North American Nation and for the personal
happiness of Your Excellency, and at the same time I assure you of
my highest consideration and particular esteem.
Jose P. Montero.
, Capital of the Republic
of Paraguay,
August 15, 1912