File No. 834.00/120.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Montevideo, November 24, 1911.
Sir: Confirming my cablegram of yesterday, I have the honor to report that Paraguay is now in the throes of another revolution.
As stated in cables from Asuncion, an uprising against the Government of President Liberato M. Rojas has been expected for several weeks, in fact ever since his introduction into office. * * * The only question was which party would get into the field against the administration first—the Liberals (Cívicos) or the Radicals (Colorados). * * *
During my stay in Asuncion, Colonel Jara, who was supposed to be on his way to Europe, suddenly turned up in the city. Nothing definite could be learned as to the real purpose of his sensational visit. [Page 1271] The prevailing opinion seemed to be that he came at the invitation of President Rojas. He kept in close seclusion during his stay in Asuncion, and his going, if he did go, was as secret as his coming.
As reported by my cable of yesterday, the uprising is now on. It is led by former President Manuel Gondra, Eduardo Schaerer and Dr. Jose R. Montero, all well-known Colorado leaders. Señor Gondra was thrown out of the presidency by Jara a few months ago. Schaerer, a native of German extraction, is the strong man of the triumvirate, and likely to be made president if the movement succeeds. * * *
Colonel Jara is still strong with the “army” of Paraguay. If he, as reported and believed in some quarters, has joined hands with President Rojas and has assumed, or should assume, command of the military forces of Paraguay, some blood may be shed before the issue is finally decided one way or the other. * * *
I have [etc.]