File No. 834.00/107.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.
Washington, August 24, 1911.
Sir: The Department acknowledges the receipt of your despatch No. 41 of the 20th ultimo, enclosing copy of a letter from the consul at Asuncion reporting that a coup d’état took place at Asuncion on July 14.
The information which has been furnished the Department on the subject of the governmental changes in Paraguay by the consul [Page 1270] at Asuncion and the Legation is of a very insufficient character and does not even make clear who succeeded President Jara as Provisional President of Paraguay.
You are therefore instructed to obtain from the consul at Asuncion, for transmission to the Department, a full and detailed report upon the events that have taken place in Paraguay since the recent fall of President Jara, indicating as clearly as possible the various elements of which the several administrations have been composed.
I am [etc.]