File No. 419.11 D 29/23.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Panama, September 5, 1912.
Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 201 of the second instant, relative to the dismissal of Captain Francisco de la Ossa, of the Panaman police, I have the honor to inclose a copy and translation of the decree1 dismissing this officer. * * * I also enclose a copy and translation of the decree1 accepting Señor Julio Quijano’s resignation. * * *
In my despatch No. 201 [197] I stated that a result of the removal of Señores Quijano and de la Ossa would probably be that many persons now afraid to do so would be willing to give evidence as to the occurrences on July 4 last. There seems to be good reason for anticipating that this result is now about to take place. * * *
I may mention that in order to render the identification of the policemen engaged in the Cocoa Grove affair more difficult Señor Quijano has not only transferred many of these policemen to various parts of the republic, as to Chiriquí, but has changed all their numbers. Many of them also have now left the police altogether. The officer in Chargé of the Cocoa Grove station upon July 4 last was Vigilante Cortes, who some weeks ago left Panama secretly for Guayaquil. * * *
I have [etc.]