File No. 819.00/396.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister of Panama .

Sir: Referring to your note of the 6th instant, acknowledged by the Department on the 10th, wherein, on behalf of the Government of Panama, you state that you have received instructions from your Government to solicit the friendly intervention of the United States in safeguarding the electoral registration and the balloting in the impending presidential election in Panama; that the electoral lists will be closed on the 15th of this month; and that the Panaman Government will assist as far as possible in carrying out such measures as this Government may wish to take, in accordance with the precedents which you cite, I have the honor to inform you that the President has decided to accede to this request and that at his direction I am Telegraphing the American Minister at Panama to the effect that the President has decided to agree to the request of the Government of Panama and both parties to have the Government of the United [Page 1142] States exercise supervision over the registration and election on the Isthmus, and has instructed this Department to name Colonel Goethals, the colonel commanding the regiment of infantry stationed on the Isthmus, and the American Minister to act as a committee for the general supervision of the registration and election and for taking such suitable means, after consultation with both parties and the Government of Panama, as will result in fairness in the election and registration. The American Minister is designated to act as chairman of the committee.

Accept [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.