File No. 893.51/695b.

The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Certain general views of the Government of the United States upon the subject of loans to China in the present juncture were set forth in an aide-mémoire handed the German Ambassador on the 7th instant, and I have the honor now to inclose herewith a copy of that aide-mémoire.1

The Department of State would not, however, in the light of later reports from Peking, be inclined to oppose its nationals joining with others in the small loan referred to in your excellency’s aide-mémoire of the 8th instant, upon the conditions laid down by the British Minister at Peking, more especially so if the views of the United States as to the broadly international character of such loans should meet with the approval of the other Governments concerned.

I am [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.
  1. See p. 103.