File No. 412.11/133.

The Acting Secretary of War to the Secretary of State.

Having reference to the Joint Resolution of Congress approved August 9, 1912, which authorized this Department to investigate claims arising on this side of the Mexican border and growing out of the revolution in adjacent Mexican territory, a commission for the purpose indicated has been appointed.

It is understood that many of the claims in question have already been presented to the Department of State, and as the early conclusion of the investigation would be facilitated by any list of the claims now available, it is requested that this Department be furnished with such information of the kind indicated as may be on file in the Department of State, provided such action meets with your approval.

Leonard Wood.

Note.—On September 16, 1912, President Madero read his message to the Twenty-sixth Congress; in it he made references to the American claims; see “Messages of the President,” p. 708.