File No. 412.11/5.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 692.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 376 of the 16th instant, relative to the preparation of claims by American citizens for damages resulting from the late revolution, and to say that I have complied with the directions therein given.

I enclose to the Department a copy of a letter which I have addressed to the forty-three claimants who have already filed claims with the Embassy, and also a copy of a list of these claimants with their addresses.1 An identic letter, with the exception of the omission of the last two sentences, will be sent to all new claimants.

I presume the Department has instructed all American consular officers in Mexico in the matter of the preparation of claims, and for this reason I have said nothing to them with regard thereto.

I have [etc.]

Henry Lane Wilson.

The American Ambassador to American Claimants.

Sir: Acting under instructions from the Department of State at Washington with regard to American claims against the Government of Mexico growing out of the recent revolution, I inclose to you a copy of a circular prescribing the manner in which claims should be prepared. Your attention is called to the great importance of conforming as nearly as possible to the rules of this circular, and you are advised to strengthen your claim in any way in which in your judgment this may be done. On receipt of a claim prepared in accordance with this circular the matter will receive careful attention by the Department of State.

It is suggested that even if your claim has already been presented, it will be greatly to your advantage to prepare such claims anew, so as to conform to the provisions of the circular. This will greatly aid in expediting its treatment.

I am [etc.]

Henry Lane Wilson.
  1. Not printed.