File No. 312.11/285.
The American Consul at Chihuahua to the Secretary of State.
Chihuahua, April 24, 1912—5 p.m.
(Received, via El Paso, Tex., April 25, 1912—5.30 p.m.)
W. H. Kraft, a citizen of the United States, has been required by the rebel military authorities to pay to them $100,000 and 1,000,000 cartridges. By right of his wife this American owns an undivided one-sixth interest in one of the largest properties in the State of Chihuahua. An uncle of the President of Mexico residing here is also holder of a sixth interest. These facts account for the rebel hostility. Last week this estate, consisting of nearly 1,000,000 acres, was absolutely stripped and laid waste by rebel authorities. Request instructions as to what representations should be made in protection of American-owned share of property. The authorities threaten to confiscate all of Kraft’s property in Chihuahua if he fails to comply with their demand.