File No. 355.115 C76/17.


No. 48.]

Sir: I have the honor to refer to my dispatch No. 44 of April 26 last, and to inclose a translation of a communication which I have [Page 16] received from the Baron de Broqueville, the Minister of Railways, Posts and Telegraphs, regarding the removal of the discrimination against American oils which has appeared in the past in the specifications of the Belgian State Railways. This note refers to the change to be found in the Cahier des Charges which was inclosed in my dispatch referred to above and which had appeared sometime previously.

In my reply to the Baron de Broqueville I expressed gratification at the removal of the discrimination in this instance, but added that the changes in the specifications had been published so short a time before the adjudication that it had seemed quite impossible for any American firms to compete on that occasion, and I added the hope that the admission of American oils would be continued in the future in order that fair trials might be made with advantage to both countries.

I have [etc.]

Larz Anderson.


Following the interview which I have had the honor to hold with his excellency, I have the satisfaction of advising him that the producers of American oils were permitted to take part in the public competition which took place on the 8th instant for the furnishing of a quantity of 2,400,000 kilograms of mineral lubricating oils.

Accept [etc.]
