File No. 812.00/4070.

The Secretary of State to the American Consul at Chihuahua.


Your May 29, noon. Make unofficial but firm demand of Orozco for an explanation of his proclamation in so far as it affects Americans. Informally, but vigorously protest against any effort on his part, direct or indirect, to evade the obligation to protect noncombatants imposed by the rules of civilized warfare and by civilization. Remark upon the disastrous consequences of departure from proper procedure in such cases. Demand ample protection to all American citizens and their interests and safe conduct and transportation facilities to the Texas border for any who may wish to leave Mexico. Suggest safe conduct for other foreigners. Discreetly inform Americans of any danger you believe to exist; also suggest to them the desirability of their withdrawal as soon as possible from rebel territory, whenever you think it requisite.
