File No. 817.00/1573, 1574.


President Estrada caused the arrest last night of Minister of War Mena, on the ground of “contemplated treason.” The President and Adolfo Díaz called at the legation and informed me of this action, adding that they greatly feared an uprising. It was evident that the President had been drinking heavily.

To-day Estrada resigned the presidency in favor of Vice President Díaz, who at once released Mena. At my request Mena was received at the British consulate. He asked the troops to remain quiet, assuring them of his safety.

Estrada’s attack on Mena without advising with the legation violates the agreement given Dawson. If not the act of a drunken man under the advice of Moncada, minister of gobernación, and an enemy [Page 661] of Mena, it was a treacherous step toward throwing the Government to the Liberals.
