File No. 611.3731/47.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Habana, December 19, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 417 of the 9th instant, directing the legation to inquire informally and discreetly as to when it may expect to be made acquainted with the views of the Cuban Government in regard to the contemplated negotiations for the modification of the present reciprocity treaty.
In obedience to this instruction, Mr. Gibson yesterday made appropriate inquiries at the department of state, and was informed that the President and the secretary of state were now engaged in consultations with the various commercial interests concerned and with members of the appropriate committee of the Senate. It was added that the matter would be given more concentrated attention during the recess of Congress, which begins to-day, and that it was hoped that the Cuban Government would be ready to enter upon definite negotiations in January.
I have, etc.,