File No. 611.3731/43.
The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Cuban Secretary of State.
Habana, November 13, 1911.
Your Excellency: Referring to your excellency’s courteous note of the 25th ultimo, inquiring whether my Government considered it convenient and immediately feasible to agree upon the extension for another five years of the treaty of commercial reciprocity, with a view to the modification of the treaty in the sense of providing for greater advantages for some American products and for Cuban sugars and tobacco, I have the honor to inform your excellency that I am now in receipt of instructions from my Government on this subject.
The President is not unmindful of the value of the commercial relations [etc., quoting verbatim (with appropriate changes: from “this Government” to “my Government”; from “the Cuban Government” to “your excellency’s Government”; from “this country” to “the United States”; and from “you are instructed” to “I am instructed,”) to the end of the Department’s unnumbered instructions of Nov. 2].
I avail, etc.,