File No. 312.112 B61/17
The Mexican Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, March 17, 1911.
Excellency: As stated in my note No. 1055 of the 15th instant1 to your Department, I sent a telegram to the department of foreign relations in the matter of Converse and Blatt’s arrest, and I have the honor to inform your excellency that I am this day in receipt [Page 608] of telegraphic advices according to which my Government holds documentary proof that these men were arrested on Mexican territory.
The department of foreign relations announces that I shall shortly receive reports and plans showing that Mexico is the legitimate owner of the land on which the arrest was effected.
Notwithstanding this certitude of the Mexican Government a thorough investigation has already been ordered, the results of which I shall in due course submit to your excellency, being animated by the greatest desire to arrive at an agreement on the subject.
I renew [etc.],
- Not printed.↩