File No. 611.3731/38.


No. 1134.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 1116 of the 7th instant and to previous correspondence (instruction No. 270; dispatch No. 712,2 [Page 97] etc.) in regard to the amplification and prolongation of the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Cuba, I have the honor to report that in a conversation had with him this morning Señor Sanguily, the Cuban Secretary of State, brought up this subject and asked me if I could obtain from you, by telegraph, an expression of your views as to the possibility of prolonging this treaty definitely for a period of five years, incidentally with greater and more stable advantages for Cuban sugar in return for increased preferential treatment of American products imported into this country. Cuba recognizes the necessity to retain the American market for her sugar, and would be ready to make almost any concession to attain this end.

While requesting a reply by telegraph at the earliest practicable date in order to comply with the wish of Sr. Sanguily,

I have, etc.,

John B. Jackson.
  1. Not printed.