File No. 812.00/1879.

The Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.

No. 34.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 20th instant in which, by direction of your Government, you communicated to the Department a report that 12 Mexican Federal employees were driven from Tia Juana in the recent attack on that place, fled into the United States, and are detained by the local authorities of San Diego, Cal., where, it is alleged, three of them have been subjected to molestation, presumably by sympathizers with filibusters.

Agreeably to your request that these Mexican employees be set free, and that their molesters be punished if the report of their wrongful acts shall be verified, I have communicated your note to the Secretary of War and the Attorney General for investigation and appropriate action.

Accept [etc.],

P. C. Knox.